When the housing market crashed in 2008, real estate fraud became a hot button issue with many assigning blame for the economic crash on fragile mortgage deals that forced the housing bubble to burst.
For real estate agents or brokers, today’s real estate outlook is improving, but there is still the opportunity to unintentionally commit fraud while closing a real estate deal due to complicated laws that often side with buyers.
Some potential real estate or broker fraud cases that could result in charges include:
Because the consequences of real estate fraud can be costly, it’s important to go over paperwork in order to protect your interests. If convicted, a defendant could be forced to pay damages related to the fraud, including lost property value, pain and suffering, medical expenses related to exposure of unreported mold, closing costs, and lost profits.
There is also the risk of federal prison time due to zealous attorneys who are aggressively prosecuting suspected mortgage and real estate fraud cases to prevent another financial crisis.
Contact a Florida Real Estate Fraud Attorney
Preventing real estate fraud is vital in today’s new housing climate, but having an experienced attorney as part of the sales process can prevent a costly mistake. If you do face charges, a Florida real estate fraud attorney can help you defend yourself against fraud claims. Call Ricardo Rodriguez at Rodriguez Law at
(305) 262-8226.
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